Yes, the product you received is the same as the picture, if it is different, we will be responsible for the freight and help you return the product. Of course, in terms of color, due to the use of image processing, the color may be slightly different, if you mind, please contact our online customer service for consultation.
After you place an order, you will receive an email notification. The email contains a PDF file of your receipt and payment. In addition, you can see your payment file in the member center and payment channel bill of the website. If you do not receive it, you can contact us to reissue it.
If you are not satisfied with the goods, you can contact our online customer service to inquire about refunds. We provide a seven-day refund service. After you receive the goods, you can refund within seven days. If the goods have no quality problems, you need to be responsible for the return and delivery of the goods. If it is a product problem or the goods are inconsistent with the photos, We will be responsible for shipping.
Yes, for out of stock items, we generally replenish the stock within 7 days. If there is no stock available, we will contact the customer to replace the item or refund you.
We can ship anywhere in the world, you just need to fill in your full address when placing your order. We will contact you if delivery is not possible! We ship by UPS and DHL, or you can choose a local courier company according to your requirements.